Photos of members of NNJGSDC at the 2008 Nationals

Joe Bihari winning the Donald Cliff Award for Good Sportsmanship

George Berstler winning the Lamar Kuhns award

Joe Bihari, Karin Wagner, George Berstler, Danielle Weitz

Members dogs placing at the 2008 German Shepherd Dog Club of America National

Select Champion #5

SEL 5   429   CH. EAGLE VALLEY'S GREEN KNIGHT, DN095802/03, 01/05/05. 
Breeder:  D. Mulligan & V. Signorelli.
By: Ch. Kismet's Sight For Sore Eyes — Ch. Eagle Valley's Shannon.
Owner:  Van A. Dukeman & Dennis Mulligan, 
(Patricia Breault Comeau, Agent).


American Bred Bitch 3rd

BOF      843   BIHARI'S JESSE II, DN165414/03, 10/20/06. 
Breeder:  J. & M. Bihari.
By: Ch. Bihari's Ace of Hckryhill X Ch. Carob's Tina of Bihari. 
Owner:  Joseph Bihari, Sr.


9-12 Puppy Dog

2nd           39   LYLOAK'S FIRST KNIGHT, DN203233/08, 12/23/07. 
Breeder:  Jason Lyle.
By: Ch Welove Du Chien's Army of One X Lyloaks Sugar Maple,TC,PT. 
Owner:  Jason S. Lyle & Joe Bihari, 
(George F. Berstler, Agent).



9-12 Puppy Bitch

4th          215   ALKARAH'S SEX ON THE BEACH, DN204286/02, 11/13/07. 
Breeder:  Karin Wagner.
By: Ch.
Kenlyns Aries V HiCliff X Mein Schatz Mai Tai Alkarah ROM
Owner:  Karin E. Wagner & Jene & Isabelle Dupzyk, 
(Patricia Breault Comeau, Agent).

Alkarah's Sex On The Beach's litter brother, Champion Alkarah's Cosmopolitan,
finished his Championship the first week of December 2008 at less than 13 months of age!

Breeder:  Karin Wagner.
By: Ch.
Kenlyns Aries V HiCliff X Mein Schatz Mai Tai Alkarah ROM
Owner:  Karin E. Wagner